High School Teaching Team

Faculty: Isaac Berg, Joe Behnke,  Kathy Booth, Richard Carter,  Tuoya Deach,  Brett Jenson,  Kristen Maker,  Ginger Plum, Jaimie Terada,  Al Torres, Naomi Vliet

Our high school teachers are known for the sophistication and zeal they bring to their courses. Highly skilled in their specialty fields, they utilize best practices, keep abreast of innovation, urge inquiry and rigor in the classroom and telegraph their passion for knowledge to students. Some take on leadership roles in regional and state professional organizations.

The staff meets weekly to develop and implement their interdisciplinary approach. Because they serve a relatively small number of students, they can follow the progress of each student through high school, creating strategies to support those who are struggling, and helping all work to their potential. It's no accident that we have a 100% graduation rate. Whether a student's goal is to graduate from high school or enter vocational school or college, this staff is committed to helping them achieve a level of personal success that will open whatever doors they choose. Students know that they can count on the support and encouragement of this fine teaching team.

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