Sample email template HERE to help you contact our representatives.
Talking Points:
Revise state special education funding formulas to fully fund all our students
Recalculate our regionalization factor from 12% to 18% to accurately reflect the high cost of living in our county
Lift the levy lid
Increase small school funding to provide adequate resources to operate our unique district
District 40 Representatives' Info:
Senator Liz Lovelett
233 John A. Cherberg Building
PO Box 40440
Olympia, WA 98504
[email protected]
360-786 7678
Representative Debra Lekanoff
JLOP 422
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504
[email protected]
360 786 7800
Representative Alex Ramel
LEG 434A
PO Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504
[email protected]
360 786 7970
Consider joining or donating to one of our partner organizations:
Lopez Island Parent Teacher Assoc. (LIPTSA): A member led non-profit supporting students, families, and schools.
Lopez Island Education Foundation (LIEF): Supports learning-based and experiential programs for students of LISD.
The Pack: Fundraises to support our athletic programs.
Donations to the above organizations are tax deductible.
Donations can also be made directly to the district to support general operating costs. Make checks payable to LISD with “donation” in the memo.
Mail to: LISD, 86 School Road, Lopez Island, WA 98261
Donations directly to LISD may be tax deductible, but the school is a government entity, not a 501c3. Any potential donor should consult their tax professional to determine if a donation to LISD is tax deductible for them.
Click on the banner below to download the Advocacy Flyer

Missed the meeting? Watch the TOWN HALL VIDEO #1
Sadly, many of the education bills in the current legislative session did not make it out of committee, including some of those mentioned at the Town Hall. Track the remaining education-focused bills here: HB 2494 and HB 2180.
Update: Both bills were passed and signed by Gov. Inslee.