Library/Media Center

Our Library/Media Center Community

The Lopez Island School Media Center is a kindergarten through grade twelve learning center that currently serves a school population of approximately 225 students and staff and includes the remote one-room Decatur Island School.  An inter-library loan system also allows community members to access the collection through the local public library.

Our 3,000 square foot facility is located between the elementary and secondary school buildings on a school campus surrounded by gardens, outlying athletic facilities, and rural farmland.  The space includes the main library area which houses a 10,000 item collection, a meeting room, a furnished student study area, an office, and workroom. The design, which included student input, incorporates a large entry-way skylight, open-beamed ceiling, banks of windows and locally-crafted furnishings, giving a light and open feeling to the structure.

In addition to books, wireless internet, and laptops, provide students with instant access to information which includes the library catalog and collection To view the books we currently have in circulation, please visit our online catalogue at the following web address: The computerized circulation system allows the librarian to enter, locate, and check-out materials quickly and easily.

Readership is brisk, thanks to the highly successful Accelerated Reader Program, a self-motivating curriculum that inspires kids to "challenge" themselves while still enjoying the pleasures of a good story.

The library also houses a diverse art collection, featuring everything from class projects to local artist oils, prints and paper mache creations.

The Lopez School library is open to students before and after school and throughout the school day as well as serving the staff and community. Current Library Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Contact our Librarian.

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