Safe and Respectful Workplace Task Force

LISD Safe & Respectful Workplace Task Force

In the spring of 2020, the LISD School Board designated one Board member to lead a task force to review policy and procedures, and to make recommendations to the Board on how to better support a staff culture that promotes safety and respect. The Safe and Respectful Workplace Task Force, composed of school staff and community members, set out to investigate staff experience on feelings of workplace safety and to review policies that pertain to workplace safety. 

The specific focus of this group is to gain more insight on how to prevent and protect staff from workplace harassment as well as to analyze the process of filing workplace harassment complaints with the goal to enhance the District’s safe and respectful workplace policy, procedures, and programs. Their intent is to support the rebuilding of trust and healing in our school community.

The three objectives of the Taskforce are to:

  • Review and assess the existing policy and procedures related to workplace safety, respect, and harassment
  • Collect data, information, and feedback on modifications that may be made to the existing policy, procedures, and programs to support workplace safety. 
  • Develop recommendations for consideration and adoption by the LISD School Board.

The Task Force Wants to Hear from You

The Safe and Respectful Workplace Task Force sent an anonymous survey to all staff at LISD to gather important information on how staff perceive workplace safety. This however is not the end of their data collection. If you are a staff member and wish to submit a comment or concern over workplace safety, you can email them at [email protected] or use the anonymous comment form

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