High School Golf

There is more to golf than just hitting a ball.

There is no doubt that the members of the team strive to improve their golf skills throughout the season and beyond. But at L.I.H.S., golf means much more than that. Our players pride themselves in the qualities that make good players great: integrity, persistence, resilience. Most players gain those skills by practicing at the high school and at the Lopez Island Golf Course. Under the guidance of the golf coaches, students learn the rules and etiquette of the game and learn to improve by building on experience.

There is more to golf than fielding players.

It takes a lot of people to support one of the largest school teams in the state (especially when you are one of the smallest schools). The Lopez Island Golf Club defrays many expenses: from golf shirts to golf bags, to new grips and old clubs, this organization is central to the successes of the team. The Lopez Island Golf Club allows the team to hold six matches every year, along with practices after school for all team members. The Lopez Island School District pays for all travel expenses and a coaching stipend. The Lopez Island Booster Club, members of the Lopez Island Golf Club, and other members of our community donate clubs, golf balls, and time to help equip, train, and supervise our team (Yes, we can use your old golf balls…).

There is more to golf than getting a good score.

The scores have been great, the trophies are wonderful, but that's not what it's about, and we all know it. Almost all our members continue to play after high school, and some are pursuing careers in golf. And many even play with Grandpa and Grandma…

Although scores truly are a secondary goal, we are proud of our team and individual results. The team holds two State Championships, all but one of the ladies' Northwest “B” League Championships, and many Bi-, Tri-, and Quad-Districts Championships. Both gentlemen and ladies reached these high level of athleticism while they also have earned honors every year in academics at the State level, including the ladies being State Academic Champions in 2008.

At the end of the season, we know we met our goal if we followed this quote from D.A. Pennick: "I know you'll make better players of your students in four years. But will they be better people? That's the important thing."

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