Parent Partner Program

Alternative Learning Experience

Lopez School is committed to providing as many rich, creative and diverse academic options as possible to meet the needs and interests of our students.  Our administrators and our school counselor are prepared to answer any questions a student or their parents may have and can help navigate through the many options.

Alternative Learning Experience or ALE

ALE is, according to the State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), "primarily distinguished by off-campus instruction. The intent of this type of program is to give schools flexibility to serve a diverse student population." The Lopez Island School District has several types of ALE's. Due to our small size, creativity and flexibility are paramount in providing a rich and varied educational experience for our students, families, and community. Under our ALE umbrella, one can find the following options:

Lopez Island Parent Partner Program (PPP)

With this option:

  • Parents are teaching their children at home with the support of the school district 
  • Students enrolled in this option are students of Lopez Island School District, but may live anywhere in WA State
  • The support received from the district includes interaction and engagement with a certificated teacher
  • This WSLP is approved, monitored and coordinated by an assigned PPP certificated teacher on our staff
  • The family and teacher must have weekly contact to discuss the content of the WSLP, both to support the parent as teacher with instructional strategies and ideas, and to insure adherence to the integrity of the plan
  • The curriculum options and choices through our PPP are quite varied and broad, with a lot of flexibility
  • These curriculum options must be Board approved, must be educationally sound, and must be non-sectarian
  • Options may include online courses, textbook options, and options supported by a course/content specific certificated teacher

Parent Partner Intent Form

Parent Partner Handbook

Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP)

  Sample Student Learning Plan

Statement of Understanding

For more information, please send a message to this email.

Lopez Personalized Education Program (LPEP)

With this option:

  • Students must live within our District and must physically attend Lopez Island School
  • Students eligible to enroll in this option have scheduling conflicts that prohibit them from enrolling in courses from our regular schedule of classes at Lopez School, need credit recovery to meet graduation requirements, or have completed a written request for this option due to extenuating circumstances and received approval from Lopez Island School administration.
  • This option includes independent study classes that are online, textbook based, or performance based
  • These courses may have support from a course/content specific certificated teacher
  • Students enrolled in this option will have a coordinating certificated teacher who will track their progress, monitor their work, engagement, and pacing, and help them find the resources they need to complete their coursework
  • Examples of LPEP courses include APEX Northwest History, BYU AP Calculus, APEX Algebra I, Independent Study Yoga, etc.
  • Students will mainly be in a classroom setting with a coordinating teacher to do this work, but may also work on courses independently on their own time, or in the school library during a Homework period
  • The courses through this option are paid for either by the school district (students must finish and pass the course with a passing grade), or the student, depending on the circumstances through which they are accessing this option.  School administration and the family will discuss these options.

OSPI Report Card

Complete information on the academic achievement and AYP status of our  schools are available on the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction State Report Card web page.

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