1:1 Technology Initiative

21st Century Tools

Lopez School is always looking for ways to provide equal access to technology for all students at our school. We are all very fortunate to have a technology levy that provides 21st-century tools for our students. Our first 4 year recurring technology levy has provided access to technology for all K-12 staff and students including a robust 1:1 device initiative that was rolled out to students 6-12 and now extends to K-12 students due to Washington State's temporary shift to online schooling. The levy has also provided technology staffing, network infrastructure, and presentation hardware. We hope that the levy will be renewed in August of 2020 so we can continue to provide these services for students.

The research and decision-making process for choosing which device and what deployment method to go with was exhaustive and now the technology committee is confident about the final outcome. We chose to go with a Windows device and a 1:1 deployment for our secondary and Chromebooks and iPads for our elementary. If you are unfamiliar with 1:1 programs, what this means is that each student will be issued a laptop computer at the beginning of the school year and this device will be theirs to use for the school year. The student will be able to bring the device home and will be expected to have it available in class when it is needed. We are hoping this will allow the student to develop responsibility and accountability in their relationship with technology.

Safety, Security, and Privacy

We understand that sending students home with technology presents many challenges. Concerns have been brought to our attention by parents and teachers about filtering or restricting access to the internet on school devices. The solution is that we have implemented and tested software that redirects all internet traffic from a District provided device back through the school’s content filters and firewall. This means that a student could be using the device anywhere in the world and their access will still be controlled by the school’s internet filter.
All students and parents will need to sign both the Student Technology Responsible Use Procedure and the 1:1 Device Implementation Procedure prior to being assigned a device.

Equal Access for All Students

Adding to the conversation on internet access, Rock Island has generously provided us with LTE routers and internet service to give to students who do not have internet access at home, free of charge. These routers will only work with LISD devices and all internet access will be filtered. In order to be a part of this program email [email protected] and ask to be signed up and they will check if you meet the criteria for free internet for your student.

If you or your student would not like to be a part of the 1:1 program, you have the option to opt-out of getting a device. Students may prefer to bring their own device as well; LISD will still support personal devices on our network.

We want to be sure the secondary technology deployment is a success. If you have any questions about technology at the school, please contact Jesse Hammond: [email protected] (360) 468-2202 Ext: 2111.


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