Technology Levy Renewal 2024

LISD Technology Renewal 2024

The Board of Directors of the Lopez Island School District is seeking voter approval to renew the Technology and Capital Projects Levy for each of the next four years in the amount of $525,000 per year. The funding will keep Lopez school technology facilities up to date to meet the current and future educational needs of students and will also cover salaries of technology staff at Lopez Island school, freeing up the general fund budget for essential expenses including non-tech related salaries and programs. If the levy is approved, taxable property within the District would be charged an estimated rate of nineteen cents ($0.21) per $1,000 of assessed value in 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028. The levy is expected to generate funding in the amount of $525,000 for each year of the levy. The levy will be on the August 2024 ballot.

What the Technology Levy Has Provided

In 2016 and 2020, Lopez voters approved four year recurring Lopez Island School District Technology Levies with overwhelming support. These levies have provided essential learning tools for all students at Lopez School including computers, software, network infrastructure, digital citizenship enrichment, and support staff.  

What's Different with the 2024 Safety and Technology Levy

The purpose of this renewal levy is to continue to support technology in education at Lopez School and to fund technology positions and programs. The Lopez Island School Technology Committee and School board made a suggestion for an increase from the previous yearly levy amount of $275,000 to $525,000 due to rising costs of materials and the inclusion of campus safety upgrades. In prior years, technology purchases and personnel have been funded with both the technology levy and the school’s general fund. By renewing and expanding this levy, the District will be able to cover all tech-related expenses with these funds. The 2024 Safety and Technology levy includes key campus safety improvements as well. In light of the recent levy lid that has greatly impacted the District’s general fund dollars, this tech levy will absorb all tech-related expenses from the Lopez School budget, thus freeing up valuable dollars for other important school expenditures. In order to keep students prepared with 21st century skills and safe while using these tools, we need recurring funding for technology at Lopez Island School District.

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